Use this memory verse game to help your students understand that God's Word is like a special treasure. Words from the Bible can teach us to act in ways that please God.
Before your class, print each word of your memory verse (including the reference) on a 4-inch round piece of cardboard or yellow poster board cut to resemble a gold coin. Print one word per cardboard circle. Number the backs of the circles in order, if you wish (or print one set with numbers and one without).
Decorate a box to look like a treasure chest or purchase a cardboard Treasure Chest (Item #CTP5999). See the picture above. Print the memory verse on a chalkboard, whiteboard, or poster board (or have an older student print it for you). Have a child read the verse from the Bible. Point to each word as it is read. Have everyone say it together.
Discuss the meaning of the words, and have the children read the verse together several times. Then give your students the memory verse coins (one coin per child). Have the children stand in the order of the verse (choose two children to help them get in order, if you wish). Let the children drop the coins in the treasure chest one at a time, in order, reading each word as it is dropped in. Do this several times so everyone has a turn. Repeat (with the unnumbered coins), if time allows.
Say, "The Bible is God's Word. Every word of the Bible is true. God's Word is like a special treasure. There are wonderful things in the Bible to teach and train us how to live to please God!"
Monday, January 31, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
More 2011 VBS Themes Announced
The 2011 VBS themes are now in! It's not too soon to begin choosing your VBS for next summer, and we’re here to help! Take a look at the Bible themes and highlights from some of the 2011 programs…keep checking back for the latest information or visit Shop VBS. (Check out our June 14, 2010 Blog Post for an overview of Gospel Light's SonSurf Beach Bash VBS and Group's PandaMania VBS.)
New for 2011, Gold Rush VBS: Discovering the Rock of Ages from Answers in Genesis helps kids learn the answer to the most important question Jesus asks: “Who do you say that I am?”
Gold Rush VBS Super Starter Kit: $189.99
Gold Rush VBS Starter Kit: $99.99
Gold Rush KJV Supplement: $19.99
(The supplement works with both the Super Starter and Starter Kits.)
Super Starter Kits are available with your choice of contemporary or traditional music recordings.
Group's Hometown Nazareth VBS helps kids walk with Jesus. It's the Bible in motion! Welcome kids into the ultimate VBS Bible-times experience. They'll visit with Mary, Jesus' mom, and hear about Jesus' childhood adventures. Everyone will learn Bible truths that they can't wait to apply to their lives and share with others.

Nazareth VBS teaches kids to love God and His Word . . . like you do.
Hometown Nazareth VBS Starter Kit: $119.99
Take a look at the Hometown Nazareth VBS course overview. Click on the image below for a larger version. Check back for VBS updates each week. Visit Shop VBS to see all of the 2011 VBS programs and special offers.
With Main Street VBS from Standard Publishing, kids will be drawn into stories Jesus told about everyday people in everyday situations. But His stories were anything but ordinary! Jesus turned lives upside down and hearts inside out through parables that challenged people to look at themselves and others in new and unexpected ways.
New for 2011, Mega Sports Camp: Go the Distance from Gospel Publishing House encourages kids to run the race of life God's way, all the way. Five sessions focus on key character traits that help them become better athletes and followers of Jesus. Welcome kids into the ultimate sports-camp experience. Everyone will learn Bible truths and good sportsmanship as they participate in a sports camp lead by Christian mentors.
Go the Distance Mega Sports Camp teaches kids to run the race of life God's way, all the way.
In a world that is always searching for the “next big thing”, some things will never change and can never be improved upon. God, His promises, His Word, and the Gospel are unchangeable, which is why the Go Fish Guys invite you to KICK IT OLD SCHOOL!
With Kickin’ It Old School, the Go Fish Guys continue their concert theme, but with an 80s, retro hip-hop influence! Once again, your leaders and kids will be “hands on” with the Bible. This program is not dependent on the theme, the music, or the Go Fish Guys. It’s all about the Bible which means that it WILL be effective!
Using classic hymns from their new CD Kickin’ It Old School, your kids will love the new songs, videos, and karaoke times! Watch the videos.
Your kids will travel through the Old Testament as well as the New Testament to learn several attributes of God. From Adam and Eve to the Passover to the building of the tabernacle to Jesus on the cross, your kids will learn how God’s holiness and separation from sin have never changed. Kids churched and unchurched alike will hear and understand the Gospel in a whole new way. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. It’s time to kick it old school!
Here's an overview of the Kickin' It Old School VBS program. Click on the image below for a larger view.
Below is a list of the daily themes that go along with each day of the Kickin’ It Old School VBS (hi-res posters are FREE in digital format with curriculum). You can also download the Day 1 Bible Lesson for FREE by visiting our website,
Day 1 - This Is My Father's World - God Is Our Creator
Day 2 - Before The Throne Of God - God Is Our King
Day 3 - I Love To Tell The Story - Jesus Is Our Savior
Day 4 - I'm A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord - God Is Our Truth
Day 5 - The Solid Rock - God Is Our Rock
Day 1 - This Is My Father's World - God Is Our Creator
Day 2 - Before The Throne Of God - God Is Our King
Day 3 - I Love To Tell The Story - Jesus Is Our Savior
Day 4 - I'm A Soldier In The Army Of The Lord - God Is Our Truth
Day 5 - The Solid Rock - God Is Our Rock
New for 2011, Gold Rush VBS: Discovering the Rock of Ages from Answers in Genesis helps kids learn the answer to the most important question Jesus asks: “Who do you say that I am?”
Howdy, Partner!
Grab your bandana, dust off your boots, and get ready to mine for true gold.
Our children must decide among many “gods” every day. In media, in school, and in books, they’re taught that all roads lead to heaven. They’re told to “believe what you want and it will be true for you.” These dangerous lies are drawing our kids away from the truth—that Jesus, the Rock of Ages, is the way, the truth, and the life! Salvation is found in Jesus alone! Gold Rush VBS uses the New King James Version for Bible memory verses. A KJV Supplement with student books and posters in the King James Version (works with the Super Starter Kit and the Starter Kit) is available.
Each day, children will see more of the truth about who Jesus is—our Creator and Redeemer. They’ll hear the Gospel and will be challenged to follow Jesus. Gather your gear and join us for unforgettable discoveries!
Gold Rush VBS Starter Kit: $99.99
Gold Rush KJV Supplement: $19.99
(The supplement works with both the Super Starter and Starter Kits.)
Super Starter Kits are available with your choice of contemporary or traditional music recordings.

Nazareth VBS teaches kids to love God and His Word . . . like you do.
Hometown Nazareth VBS Starter Kit: $119.99
Take a look at the Hometown Nazareth VBS course overview. Click on the image below for a larger version. Check back for VBS updates each week. Visit Shop VBS to see all of the 2011 VBS programs and special offers.
With Main Street VBS from Standard Publishing, kids will be drawn into stories Jesus told about everyday people in everyday situations. But His stories were anything but ordinary! Jesus turned lives upside down and hearts inside out through parables that challenged people to look at themselves and others in new and unexpected ways.
So come join us on Main Street, for an inside-out, upside-down experience like no other...and let Jesus make a difference in YOU!
Here are the Bible points kids will learn each day on Main Street. Click on the image below for a larger view.

A simple Key Point each day helps kids remember the point of the day, even if they have no prior church attendance or experience. The theme verse for 2011 is "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day." — 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV)
Go the Distance Mega Sports Camp can be used in addition to your traditional VBS, providing a way to reach neighborhood kids who might not attend Vacation Bible school, but who would be interested in signing up for a sports camp. It's also a great way for kids to invite their friends who wouldn't be willing to come to a weekly church event.
Go the Distance Mega Sports Camp teaches kids to run the race of life God's way, all the way.
Go the Distance Starter Kit: $129.99
Take a look at what's included in the Go the Distance Mega Sports Camp Starter Kit. Click on the image below for the themes.
Check out our VBS Tips Blog for VBS updates each week. Then visit Shop VBS to see all of the 2011 VBS programs and special offers.
Take a look at what's included in the Go the Distance Mega Sports Camp Starter Kit. Click on the image below for the themes.
Check out our VBS Tips Blog for VBS updates each week. Then visit Shop VBS to see all of the 2011 VBS programs and special offers.
VBS Themes
Monday, January 17, 2011
God, Our Firm Foundation
Help your students understand that God is our firm foundation, and God can help them in any and every situation of their lives. Say, "God's power is greater than anything and everything. He understands everything we're going through in our lives. God is ready to help us at any time, in any place. God's Son, Jesus Christ, is our firm foundation, and our lives should be built on Him." (Talk individually with any child who has questions or wants to learn more about Jesus. See the March 10, 2010 blog post, Leading a Child to Christ for suggestions.)
Give each student markers, scissors, and three sheets of construction paper. Have him draw a large brick-looking rectangle on each sheet and cut them out. On each brick, have the student write a word or phrase that shows God's power or mercy (healed my sick grandmother, provides food for us, forgives my sins, protects me from evil, helped dad find a job, etc.). When all the bricks have been filled in, use them to build a wall of bricks on a bulletin board or wall. The bottom layer should be a long strip of construction paper with GOD IS OUR FIRM FOUNDATION written on it. Let the children help tape their bricks on top of the construction paper to form a wall. Have them sign their names around the foundation, if they wish.
Explain that the wall represents our lives and the help and power God provides us every day. Say, "Just as a foundation holds up a wall or building and keeps it from falling down, so God holds us and protects us and keeps our lives from falling apart, even when bad things happen. With God's power through His Son, Jesus, there is noting we cannot do. There is no problem we can't tackle. God can help us get through even the worst times. God is all-powerful!" Say the Bible verse below together (Psalm 28:7).
Pray individually with any children who have special prayer needs. Share one or two times in your own life or the lives of your family members when God has brought you through tough times with His great power and mercy.
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him." — Psalm 28:7
Give each student markers, scissors, and three sheets of construction paper. Have him draw a large brick-looking rectangle on each sheet and cut them out. On each brick, have the student write a word or phrase that shows God's power or mercy (healed my sick grandmother, provides food for us, forgives my sins, protects me from evil, helped dad find a job, etc.). When all the bricks have been filled in, use them to build a wall of bricks on a bulletin board or wall. The bottom layer should be a long strip of construction paper with GOD IS OUR FIRM FOUNDATION written on it. Let the children help tape their bricks on top of the construction paper to form a wall. Have them sign their names around the foundation, if they wish.
Explain that the wall represents our lives and the help and power God provides us every day. Say, "Just as a foundation holds up a wall or building and keeps it from falling down, so God holds us and protects us and keeps our lives from falling apart, even when bad things happen. With God's power through His Son, Jesus, there is noting we cannot do. There is no problem we can't tackle. God can help us get through even the worst times. God is all-powerful!" Say the Bible verse below together (Psalm 28:7).
Pray individually with any children who have special prayer needs. Share one or two times in your own life or the lives of your family members when God has brought you through tough times with His great power and mercy.
"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him." — Psalm 28:7
Monday, January 10, 2011
Every Child Can Be an All-Star for Jesus
God loves his children. He commanded parents to "train up a child in the way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6). We want each child to know that he or she is a star in Jesus' eyes, no matter what the child's skills and abilities are. Jesus loves children just as they are.
All-Stars for Jesus Bible Clubs are designed to help churches and parents teach children to know God, to believe in Jesus as their Savior, and to live for Him. All-Stars for Jesus Bible Clubs help children to feel loved and accepted so they, in turn, can share the love of Jesus with their friends and families. Researchers say that 43% of people who are Christians accepted Christ as Savior before the age of 13! We want to help you reach that 43%...and more!

So...what exactly IS All-Stars for Jesus?
All-Stars for Jesus provides everything you need for an exciting ministry to children!
All-Stars for Jesus is:
- A multi-use Bible curriculum in a fun club environment for age 2 through grade 6, with an optional awards program.
- A program that provides solid Bible teaching in a fun and interesting way for kids—one that directs them to know and follow Jesus.
- Curriculum that is easy to teach and includes helpful options for teachers, giving you maximum flexibility.
- Age appropriate memory verses to help children hide God's Word in their hearts.
- Bible- and curriculum-based, rather than activity-based. Each part of the lesson focuses on God, Jesus, and God's Word.
- Age appropriate and fun for kids of all ages.
- Bible-centered—every activity helps kids focus on God's Word and begin to share what they learn with others.
- A way to help churches reach the children and families in their communities for Christ.
The All-Stars for Jesus Bible Club program is designed to lead children from age two through sixth grade to a personal faith in Jesus, to teach them about God's love and care, to encourage them to grow spiritually, and to give them a solid biblical foundation for their lives.
All-Stars for Jesus partners with churches to extend their outreach from just Sunday school to mid-week, Sunday evening, or other times children can gather to learn about Jesus. All-Stars meetings are fun, less formal time with a variety of interesting and fun activities to direct the child's attention to God's Word. The optional awards program offers a further way to extend the Bible learning into the home.
What unique features does All-Stars for Jesus have?
- Easy-Trac meeting plans direct the leader step-by-step through each weekly program, and let you see at a glance which activities and materials to use.
- The optional awards program provides more opportunities for kids to learn about Jesus by completing Bible learning activities in their award books at home. When each activity is completed, children earn colorful awards to place on a cap or pennant. Plus, each child could have ALL first-year awards for as low as 82 cents per week!
- All-Stars for Jesus offers not only five age-level programs for children age 2 through grade 6, but also the All-Stars Explorers program for combined grades 1 through 6 in one classroom and the Preschool All-in-One Kit for combined ages 2-5 plus reproducible activity sheets.
- There are no membership fees, dues, or doctrinal requirements—just fun, Bible-based, solid Christian learning.
- The All-Stars Promo Kits (included with your Starter Kits) offer great resources to promote your clubs: promotional posters, clip art, fundraising ideas, and club kickoff plans!
- All-Stars for Jesus offers lots of colorful "fun stuff" as gifts, awards, and promotions.
- All-Stars for Jesus is an affordable program. The Flex-Lesson Leader's Guide provides two lessons a week!
- Christian Ed Warehouse offers Standing Orders on All-Stars for Jesus quarterly curriculum so you don't even have to remember to order! Plus, Standing Orders receive a 10%-%15 discount every quarter. We'll send you an email reminder so you can make changes before your curriculum ships.
- There is no requirement that you use all available materials—just choose the options that will work best with your group and your finances.
Does all this sound like something you would like for your church? Visit and order your Starter Kits for a 60-day risk-free review! Or download FREE samples of each age level and order a FREE Lesson Sampler to review with your church. May God bless you as you lead children and their families to a personal relationship with Jesus.
Monday, January 3, 2011
2011 VBS Coupons
Happy New Year!
It's not too soon to start planning for your Vacation Bible School program. Here are some Vacation Bible School coupons you can use over at Christian Ed Just type in the coupon code when you check out or mention the code when you call us at 1-800-854-1531. But hurry! These coupons expire April 30, 2011. You'll also receive some FREE gifts when you order early.
The VBS website is found at Shop VBS. While you're online, check out the new 2011 VBS Starter Kits and free gifts with your order. You can also download a FREE Planning Guide and Comparison Chart plus listen to music clips and download samples.
It's not too soon to start planning for your Vacation Bible School program. Here are some Vacation Bible School coupons you can use over at Christian Ed Just type in the coupon code when you check out or mention the code when you call us at 1-800-854-1531. But hurry! These coupons expire April 30, 2011. You'll also receive some FREE gifts when you order early.
The VBS website is found at Shop VBS. While you're online, check out the new 2011 VBS Starter Kits and free gifts with your order. You can also download a FREE Planning Guide and Comparison Chart plus listen to music clips and download samples.
(Click image for a larger view)
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