Monday, February 28, 2011

Build a Bible Verse

Play a verse builders game to help your students memorize the Bible verse for your lesson. Have the children sit in a circle. (If you have a large class, divide into several small groups.) Have a child read the verse aloud from the Bible. Pronounce any difficult words before he starts reading. Review the memory verse together several times. Begin and end with the reference since it's often the hardest part for children to remember.

Then designate a child to begin. That child places his  hand (palm down) in the center of the floor (or table) while saying the first word of the verse. Proceeding clockwise, each child takes a turn saying the next word in the verse while placing his hand on top of the previous player's hand.

Proceed clockwise. Each child takes a turn saying the next word in the verse while placing his hand on top of the previous player's hand. After everyone has his hand in the pile, the bottom hand is removed and placed on top as that player says the next word of the verse. Continue in this manner until the verse is complete. The next three children say the book, chapter, and verse. Then have everyone say the verse together as they lift their hands together. Repeat, using different children to start.

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