Monday, August 2, 2010

Relating Successfully to Children

The time you invest as a Bible teacher or helper falls into two main categories:
   1.  Time spent in prayer, preparation, and planning
   2.  Time spent with the kids during the actual Bible teaching and activities.

Some of the time spent during your Bible class will be in large group activities. It is possible to interact on a one-to-one basis in groups, however, and to make a moment important to a child.

As you get to know each child as an individual, remember that children learn in many different ways and at decidedly differing rates of progress. The All-Stars for Jesus Bible Club programs are written with these differences in mind. A variety of methods is used to present concepts or teach Bible truths. Materials are written to be age appropriate, capturing a child’s level of interest and understanding. Children who do not yet read can participate in primaries or Explorers lessons through non-reading parts provided in many meetings.

One purpose of Bible programs for children is training, and training is best accomplished through involvement. So involve your students in the planning and implementation of your Bible programs and lessons. Make taking part a really positive thing so they’ll be motivated to seek involvement and put the necessary effort into preparing. Most children love to please adults (usually!) and will do almost anything for recognition and attention. Take advantage of this characteristic to provide your students with many enriching experiences.

Give your students plenty of responsibility—not just by participating in programs, but in maintaining the appearance of the room, distributing and collecting materials and, in general, being a contributing member of the group. Give them meaningful tasks, even if it would be easier to do them yourself. Always thank them and show your appreciation.

You may be the only really positive, warm factor in an otherwise unhappy young life. Be sensitive about the things you say and do. Avoid broken promises, sarcasm, favoritism, or an impatient attitude. Your students won’t easily forget such treatment by adults. But neither will they forget the smiles, the hugs, the encouragement, and the love given to them by caring adults they can trust.

Children are looking for role models. You have the unique opportunity and responsibility as a Bible teacher or helper to be the kind of positive example they need. Your life can reflect the love of God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so true, thank you for posting it and reminding your volunteers of how deep that relationship runs though good, effective training.